Tips for saving at home and in your Community

como ahorrar en en el hogar y en tu comunidadSaving is possible! For you too! Take a look at your life, your daily routines and you will see that changing some of your habits and making wise choices will show in your purse at the end of the year.

Today we are going to help you save money effortlessly. We are going to share some easy tips for continuing to save both at home and in your community. 

At home

Adjust your home spending without hardly noticing, starting with your shopping basket. Filling the fridge is an almost daily expense that accounts for about 20% of our family budget. Buy seasonal products and look out for offers on fresh produce: take advantage of them. Your health and your purse will thank you. Plan your meals and keep note of your expenditure and costs. In this article, we talk about how to make savings at home in times of crisis.

Utility bills, particularly electricity and gas involve a significant expense both for our homes and our Community.

Knowing how we use energy in our homes will make it possible for us to substantially reduce our electricity bill at the end of the month. Tips on choosing low energy light bulbs, avoiding ‘phantom energy’ use, controlling the stand-by mode of appliances and particularly comparing prices from different companies. We explain in detail How to reduce your electricity bill.

Solar energy is the most abundant energy on the planet. Installing solar panels in your property or Community has many benefits. It may be costly initially but has a significant return in a short period of time. We discuss this in this article.

How to save on your insurance

You may not have stopped to think about the amount you spend on the insurance policies you have and the annual cost this involves.

Review the insurance policies you already have, and the cover you have taken out. Many of them roll over year after year and it is possible that you don’t need them. We tell you how to make savings in your insurance policies.

Did you know that at Mediterráneo we have created the Insurance Broker, SECURME to offer a solution to the many insurance-related requests we were receiving from Communities of Residents?

Extra money for your Community of Residents

It is also possible to reduce this cost for your Community of Residents. We would suggest looking carefully at the insurance policies you have taken out, using low energy consumption and reviewing contracts or bank charges.

Also, if a community generates any income, this is money that does not have to be paid by the owners. In this way your Community can earn money and set it aside to improve its accounts, pay less or simply keep it as economic revenue. In this article we explain how your Community can earn some extra money.

Save money by using the Mediterráneo APP

A few months ago we received a very grateful message from an owner. He asked us to stop sending him paper notifications as he had registered on the Mediterráneo APP and was receiving all his notifications promptly through the App.

Saving paper means boosting sustainability – something we feel strongly about at Mediterráneo.

Remember that you can download the APP on this link.

Do you want to save on your electricity bill?

At Mediterráneo many Communities and homes already rely on Grupo Carvisa for their electricity. If you want to know if it would be worth it and how your bill will be reduced, just fill in the form below and find out, with no commitment.




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