Summer camp in residential communities

Summer has arrived, bringing with it the season of summer camps for children. Imagine being able to make use of those communal spaces in your neighbourhood and keep the children entertained. They can come and go as they please, with the peace of mind that they are being supervised. Many of you have asked if it is possible to organise such camps in the common areas of your residential complex and what is required to do so. In this post, we aim to clear up some doubts about a plan that sounds perfect but may also provoke some controversy and discussions. The main issues, as always, are money and safety.

“The reality is that these types of camps offer many benefits, even helping to foster neighbourhood relationships and making use of the child’s own environment… We could list a long etcetera,” says Jesús Santidrián, lawyer and Director of Expansion in Madrid. However, it is necessary to adopt a series of essential measures if you want to set up a summer camp in your residential complex. Let us explain.

Necessary agreements to organise a camp in the community

To approve the proposal to organise an urban camp in the community of property owners, several aspects and necessary agreements must be considered:

  1. Non-exclusive use of common areas: If the proposal does not prevent other owners from using the common areas or facilities, it can be approved by a simple majority, treated as an internal rule.
  2. Exclusive and private use: If the proposal involves exclusive and private use for some owners, unanimous approval from all owners is required.
  3. Economic compensation: If the proposal includes an economic compensation, it is considered a lease of common area. According to Article 17.3 of the Horizontal Property Law (LPH), this agreement must be approved by three-fifths of the total owners and quotas. Furthermore, if the income generated exceeds 3,005.06 euros, the community must declare such income.

Necessary insurance for the urban camp

To ensure the smooth running of the activity and the safety of the participants, it is essential to hire a professional company. Workers must be registered with Social Security, comply with Occupational Risk Prevention, and have liability insurance. Additionally, there must be medical insurance or a qualified first aid person present at the camp.

With these considerations, the aim is to ensure the well-being of the children and their families, as well as the peace of mind and respect for all property owners in the community.

Community responsibility in case of an accident

  • Direct hiring by the community: If the community hires the service directly, the responsibility will fall on the community itself.
  • Hiring by individual owners: If certain owners hire the service, they will be directly responsible and must, therefore, obtain liability insurance. In addition to insurance, the community must require all pertinent documentation demanded by Social Security regarding the workers of the hired company providing the service in the communal facilities.

Advantages of organising an urban camp in the community of property owners

Organising an urban camp or recreational activities for children within your community of property owners offers a series of significant advantages for both the children and their families, as well as the entire neighbourhood.

  1. Proximity to home: As the activities take place in a known and safe environment, children, especially the youngest ones, adapt more easily. This proximity also provides additional flexibility for parents with complex work schedules, eliminating the need for long commutes and traffic jams.
  2. Direct supervision: Parents can meet the supervisors and have a clear idea of the activities being carried out. Additionally, if the community has a video surveillance system, any incidents can be reviewed later, providing extra confidence and security.
  3. Fostering neighbourhood relationships: The camp promotes relationships between neighbours. It not only creates bonds between the children but also between the parents. Collaborating in the organisation of these activities allows them to discover common interests and revive the habit of seeking and offering help to neighbours. This interaction helps to improve safety and quality of life within the community.
  4. Utilisation of recreational areas: Many communities, especially in suburban and newly built areas, have large green spaces, gardens, and numerous sports or recreational facilities that are not always used. Organising an urban camp allows for maximum utilisation of these areas, justifying and optimising their maintenance.

Other benefits:

  • Avoids the need for commuting, preventing traffic jams and dependence on strict schedules.
  • Children can enjoy recreational, sports, and leisure activities in their everyday environment, where they feel safe.
  • For parents, especially those who also want to enjoy the summer, this option offers convenience and security, knowing their children are nearby and well cared for.
  • Recommends: How many votes can a property owner with several homes have?

In summary, organising an urban camp in the community of property owners not only provides a safe and fun environment for children but also strengthens community bonds, optimises the use of common facilities, and offers peace of mind and convenience for parents. It is an initiative that benefits all community members, promoting a more united and collaborative atmosphere.

If you have any questions or need more information on how to implement this project in your community, do not hesitate to contact your Property Manager first. With their help, you can ensure that all necessary measures are in place and that the camp is a success for everyone. Don’t miss the opportunity to transform your community this summer!

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